DeDrive: Your One-Stop Layer 2 Decentralized Storage Solution

Hervé Zossou
4 min readJan 26, 2023


Since the introduction of blockchain technology by Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, a lot of changes have been made in many areas from finance to computing. This blockchain technology has made possible the decentralization of several sectors of computing as well as finance. Today we can hear about decentralized finance, Web3 an evolution of the internet, crypto-currencies which represent the decentralized version of online payments and many others. The field of cloud computing has not remained quiet in the face of this mutation because a decentralized version of storage solutions have been proposed and DeDrive is the one that EDNS offers. What is decentralized storage and how does it work ? What are the specifics that make DeDrive your one-stop decentralized layer 2 storage solution?

Towards a decentralization of data storage

Good! Before talking about decentralized storage, let’s first understand what a storage solution is and how we came to talk about decentralized storage today. Very commonly when we talk about storage we tend to think of a physical medium like a USB key or a hard disk. But this storage medium is limited in the sense that it can get lost or easily broken and become unusable.

It was then thought of a solution that would not need physical support for the user but allowing him to store and easily access his data at a later date. This is how cloud or online storage solutions such as Google’s Drive, Apple’s iCloud or Dropbox were born.

But the disadvantage with these cloud storage solutions is that they use multiple data centers in which users’ data is amassed and are subject to several risks that can be physical (vandalism, theft of hardware containing the data, arson, or breakage of servers), meteorological (flooding, lightning or heat wave), electrical (micro outage, total failure), digital and computer attack (data theft, compromise, erasure).

On the other hand, all these solutions are centralized and therefore user data can be lost permanently at any time because these solutions are concentrated in the hands of a certain category of actors. Hence the challenge of decentralized storage solutions to remove centralization, censorship of user data, security. What is decentralized storage?

The data storage revolution with decentralized storage

Decentralized storage at first glance refers to a data storage solution where no one group of people or actors have a monopoly and can censor users. Several definitions of this technology exist but let’s just say that decentralized storage is a system that shares the storage of computer data among many independent individuals. This storage system differs in several ways from centralized data storage:

  • Security and reliability: are guaranteed by blockchain technology, which consists of a peer-to-peer network with independent nodes that communicate with each other in a decentralized manner, reducing the risk of attack and data theft since the data is encrypted with a high level of complexity. The higher the number of nodes, the more secure the network is, allowing anyone (individuals and companies) to monetize their free storage space on their hard drive.
  • Redundancy: user data, when sent to this system, is first fragmented into several pieces and then distributed among the different nodes in such a way that if a node were to fail, the data could always be recovered because any node in the network could reconstitute the entire data by gathering the different fragments.
  • Interoperability: data can be stored on different blockchains as is the case with DeDrive and use several technologies besides IPFS.

DeDrive features that make it the decentralized storage of choiceDeDrive features that make it the decentralized storage of choice

eDrive will support storage hosting for users in the blockchain as an innovative version of the centralized storage drive and cloud services. EDNS will develop this solution in association with Amazon Web Service (AWS) and Alibaba Cloud. In addition, DeDrive will also be able to provide a management console on the entire file system, which can create, read, update and delete (CRUD) data in the storage.

Furthermore, the root of DeDrive will be directly connected to EDNS, allowing various users who own EDNS domains to directly access DeDrive via the EDNS platform to store their various media in this decentralized storage. They will also be able, just like Google Drive or Dropbox, to create sub-folders to store their different files.

In addition, with its permission management feature, users control access rights on whether to share their data publicly or with specific people, and whether to allow them to modify the data. Users will either have read-only or read + write rights just as they do in Linux or with a file hosted on Google Drive. It’s also worth noting that in the near future, DeDrive will continue to expand its utility to include decentralized web hosting (an upcoming feature built into the EDNS ecosystem), media streaming and more.

Final Words

Decentralized storage is a Web3 solution that solves the problems and deficiencies of centralized data storage structures by providing better reliability, security and decentralization of user data by leveraging blockchain technology. EDNS is building on this momentum by creating DeDrive in partnership with AWS and Alibaba Cloud. DeDrive will come with several features : storage hosting for users in the blockchain, a management console on the entire file system, accessible via the EDNS platform, its permission management feature and later on decentralized web hosting and multimedia streaming that will make it your first choice decentralized storage solution.

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Hervé Zossou

I am Crypto Analyst & Trader. I am also a Content Creator and Graphic Designer for blockchain purposes.